Abhimanyu Sharma
4 min readSep 10, 2020


Smartphones have become our pet or the other way round.

They have all our stuff and secrets that would end anything we care about. The need to change our smartphones is at a pace that has never been before; The technology is being outdated every day.

Smartphone companies are launching devices like eateries. Weekly, there are so many smartphones launches that you can’t make up your mind to the one phone.

You will be confused to hell, and you wouldn’t know you made the right decision or not because the new the so-called upgraded version will be around the corner.

With nothing much changed, I have kept my current Smartphone the longest; I would say since 2018, Nokia 8.1 is with me, and now that I have a good 720 snapdragon processor, 6GB ram and 128 GB memory, I don’t feel the need to change it any sooner or later, in the end, they all are giving the same thing with small tweaks here and there.

I have been searching for a way to decrease my smartphone addiction by at least an hour or so, and these things have certainly helped me make it decrease a little, but little is better than nothing.

We all want our life to change overnight that would never happen in this lifetime. You need to take small steps to change it daily, and one day, when you have traveled so far and look back, you realized how far you have come.

Let this thought sink in, “You can’t change your habits; you can only find substitutes for them.”

Here is the list of things that how we can use Smartphone non-technically.

1. Don’t Use Phone in Bed

Ever since I wrote this post, Habits consider changing, I have tried not to use my phone while on the bed. Firstly, it’s not healthy for the eyes, and it doesn’t let our mind to get to sleep. Continuously scrolling on something keeps our mind wake; it’s simple but powerful to rest while on the bed; I would suggest keeping it far from your bed and instead of keeping a book or kindle by the bed so that switching will not be a mountain to climb.

“My mind is constantly going. For me to completely relax, I gotta get rid of my cell phone.”-Kenny Chesney

2. Don’t Take Phone Every Where you Go

If you are working on anything, I will not suggest I will tell you to be in touch with nature as much as you can. It can create the right mental balance between work and relationships. While continuously in touch with the world, one losses connection with its being, which is most important in the creative process.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”-Albert Einstein

3. Don’t Use Phone While Charging

This hack can save you a lot of battery and increase your device’s life span. I am not saying this because I have read somewhere; I have experimented with it with every new or old phone; it was fun to find the phone did charge faster and improved the performance. Don’t forget to turn off wifi or Bluetooth and the internet.

“Grab the opportunities that allow you to spent more time with yourself”

4. TURN off Notifications

Turn them off you don’t need them; I have switched off the notifications for most of the apps that help me focus on one task and don’t interrupt in between the work. It’s our attention that they need to make money out of, so choose carefully; whatever you choose to give attention to will grow either its social media or work. For the apps I have not turned my notifications off, I am using the application Daywise; it collects all your notification and delivers them at a specific time of your choices. I have scheduled them 8 am, 12 pm, 5 pm and 10 pm and the cycle continues.

“One of the things that makes a social-media cleanse so difficult is that every time we log on, every notification we get is an addictive substance. It’s just like any drug.”-Kim Stolz

5. Black and White (Gray-Scale)

Being an android user, I was eagerly waiting for this feature; I didn’t realize how important this feature was until I used it. Our minds and eyes are habitual of seeing everything in color, so when we see the screen in a greyscale, we feel nothing; that’s why our mind either wants you to switch it off or do some other work and is not so unrewarding to the eyes and mind. If you don’t have the latest android pie, don’t worry, there are still many apps that would do this for you in just a click or automate it.

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.”― Alan Watts

