Saving the Driver
A story about how I saved a driver by applying lessons from a book.
In 2017 I was preparing for competitive exams and reading many self-improvement books. At that time, I was reading How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
I was in the last few pages, but I had made some notes along the way. I was very confident that if I found myself in any situation for life, I wouldn’t be at the mercy of other people. I have my skills of dealing with poeple.
I was in an auto, a kind that can fit up to 10 people in it. I was coming from the exam sitting in the front seat.
Sometimes, we can predict something will happen way before it happens but can't do anything about it.
We were going very fast, and I thought, what if the person in front of us in Innova stopped the car? What will happen? And he stopped.
smasssshhhh!!! I told myself this would take a lot of time because the human ego is now involved.
The driver went outside, and the driver of Innova held him with a collar, and 3 slaps back to back landed on the auto driver; he was numb. It was his mistake, so he was silent.
All people came outside and started searching for another auto; they just wanted to go home; I also thought that.
But I told myself this was an opportunity to test my learning and see how the book applies to real life. So I went to them and asked the Innova driver what had happened.
Sir, see what he did to the bumper. His voice was booming but slightly lower than how he scolded the auto driver.
I listened to him carefully, and I was interrupted by the auto driver whom I was trying to save; he said it was the fault of the Innova driver.
I instantly turned around and said, no, it’s all your fault and now stay silent; let me talk.
I told the Innova driver that the auto driver was at fault. His voice is lower and inaudible because I agreed with him.
I made it easy for him; previously, he tried to convince everyone, but now his mind is trying to find another argument. I told him yes, because of over-speeding, an accident happened.
Luckily the Innova was not damaged because of the protection bumper, so his anger went away. I told him it was the driver’s fault and he should be punished for that but don’t handle him to the police.
I told him many things; one of them was what would you feel if your son was in this situation? Don’t you want him to be safe and happy at the end of the day? There was a long conversation between us. I never told him he was at fault or wrong. I told him he seemed like a good man who would help the other person.
I was convinced he would be ready to give up because I was not giving him any points to argue with me.
Try it yourself; admit it immediately if you have done something wrong or something out of your control.
The other person will have nothing to say to you; they won’t be mad at you because there is no reason to be angry. They would be mad if you did not accept and blamed it on someone or something else.
Finally, the Innova driver was convinced to let us go, and I returned with the driver; we didn’t say a word, but I felt good about myself, and the path leading to reading books was more concrete.
Think about it. What would you have done if you find yourself in similar situation?